Formalize makes ROI easy and simple to maintain
- Generate 15 official reports with one click according to the ITS
- Easy management of data for RT_05.02 and all other reports
- Commitment of supporting future requirements of local authorities
Get ROI Ressource Package
Understand Register of Information challenges
- DORAs ROI key takeaways, its main challenge and learnings from dry run
- Templates for 15 official DORA Register of Information Excel-sheets
- Generate official reports with on click to report to authorities
- The timeline of ROI and what happens next
All Questions Answered
What is the DORA Dry run?
The "DORA dry run" refers to a voluntary exercise launched by the European Supervisory Authorities (ESAs), including the EBA, EIOPA, and ESMA, to help financial entities prepare for the implementation of DORA. This dry run allowed financial entities to build and test their Registers of Information regarding the use of third-party providers. The purpose is to help them gather and report the necessary information to their respective national authorities in compliance with the ESAs' Implementing Standards (ITS).
The ESAs will provide feedback to participants, clean their data, and organize workshops to ensure effective implementation. The aim of the exercise was to prepare entities for smoother compliance with DORA’s requirements by addressing data quality issues and improving reporting efficiency.
What are the ITS for ROI?
The ITS (Implementing Technical Standards) define specific and detailed implementation instructions on how to report to the European Supervisory Authorities (EBAs).
ITS overview of Register of Information:
- RT.01.01: Entity maintaining the register of information
- RT.01.02: List of entities within the scope of consolidation
- RT.01.03: List of branches
- RT.02.01: Contractual arrangements – general information
- RT.02.02: Contractual arrangements – specific information
- RT.02.03: List of intra-group contractual arrangements
- RT.03.01: Entities signing the contractual arrangements for receiving ICT service(s) or on behalf of the entities making use of the ICT service(s)
- RT.03.02: ICT third-party service providers signing the Contractual arrangements for providing ICT service(s)
- RT.03.03: Entities signing the Contractual arrangements for providing ICT service(s) to other entities within the scope of consolidation
- RT.04.01: Entities making use of the ICT services
- RT.05.01: ICT third-party service providers
- RT.05.02: ICT service supply chain
- RT.06.01: Functions identification
- RT.07.01: Assessments of the ICT services
- RT.09.01: Definitions from Entities making use of the ICT Services
Companies need to report on these 15 objectives to prove their DORA compliance.
Reference: JC 2023 85 Final report on draft ITS on Register of Information from the Joint Committee of the European Supervisory Authorities
What is the current status of DORA ROI?
The complexity of ROI prompted the ESAs to conduct a dry run of the Register of Information throughout 2024, in preparation for the expected mandatory submission of ROI in January 2025.
Where can I see an example of the reporting format?
The reporting format is split into 15 excel templates based on the structure of the Register of Information. You can find the tempaltes to be filled in here: Access the template through ROI Paper
How do I solve b_05.02 in the ITS?
b_05.02 serves as a prime example of the complexities introduced with ROI reporting. You not only must report on the LEI-IDs of your suppliers, but you also need to account for your sub-suppliers and even the sub-suppliers of those.